Michigan Used Process Machinery & Process Equipment

Michigan Used Process Machinery & Process Equipment

Aadvanced Machinery is the top resource for used process machinery and process equipment in Michigan.


Aadvanced Machinery specializes in:


We buy, sell, trade, and liquidate the following equipment: presses, mechanical & hydraulic presses, cold/hot isostatic presses, isostatic presses, rotary presses, pug mills, piston extruders, mixers, disperser mixers, cone screw/nauta/rotary batch mixers, double arm/naben mixers, muller/intensive/high intensity mixers, planetary/double planetary mixers, blenders, twin shell (vee)/double cone blenders, paddel/ribbon blenders, turbula/drum tumbler/drum roller blenders, attritorspaint millsattritors/paint mills, jars, ball, pebble mills & vibratory type mills, crushers, pulverizers, granulatorscrushing pulverizing & granulating, spray dryers/drying systems, sieves and screens, furnaces, kilns, ovens, tanks, chemical/pharmaceutical & food packaging equipment. presses, isostatic presses, piston extruders, mixers, blenders, spray dryers, screeners, crushers, pulverizers, granulators, attritors, ball mills, powder compacting presses, powder presses, powdered metal presses, powder molding presses, pm presses, preform presses, powder compaction presses, tablet presses, rotary presses, piston extruders, extrusion presses, isostatic presses, hydrostatic presses, blenders, mixers, attritors, media mills, paint mills, spray dryers, pulverizers, crushers, granulators, pebble mills, ball mills, screeners, high temperature furnaces and a wide variety of related process equipment.


Some of the Industries we serve are: Powdered Metals, Ceramics, Ferrites, Carbides, Hard Metals, Magnetics, Carbons, Refractories, Plastics, Teflons, Nanomaterials, Aerospace, Electronics, Pharmaceuticals, Adhesives, Sealants, Paints, Coatings and other chemicals.


Contact us by telephone at 586-790-1717 or by email at service@aadvancedmach.com.


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